Antusch Group
Particles and Cosmology
Welcome everybody! The Particles and Cosmology group, led by Prof. Stefan Antusch, is working on the development of a more fundamental elementary particle theory which resolves the challenges of the present "Standard Model", gives rise to a consistent evolution of the universe and which can be tested by ongoing and future experiments. Towards this goal, we are currently focusing on particle theories of the early universe, unified theories of forces and the origin of particle masses and mixings, as well as on ways to probe new physics with neutrinos.

FLASY 2018 workshop in Basel
In 2018, from July 2nd - 5th, the 7th international FLASY workshop took place at our department. The workshop brought together researchers in the fields of flavour symmetries, neutrino physics, accelerator physics and cosmology to present…
Special event on gravitational waves
On November 16, 2017 a special event on gravitational waves took place at the Physics Department. In three talks, the physics of gravitational waves, gravitational waves from neutron star mergers as well as gravitational waves from the…
/ Research
Gravitational wave factories in the early universe
Researchers from the Particles & Cosmology group at the Department of Physics have found that in the early universe after inflation, so-called oscillons can act as "gravitational wave factories" and produce much more gravitational waves…
/ Events, Campus
Swiss Cosmology Days 2017 in Basel
On February the 6th and 7th, the "Swiss Cosmology Days 2017" took place at our Department. The Swiss Cosmology Days are yearly meetings aimed at promoting communication and exchanges amongst Cosmologists working in Switzerland. They…